I’m Addicted to Amazon KDP

Ammi Greyling
2 min readAug 31, 2022

It all started because I can’t sleep. I decided that I was going to try my hand at designing journals and now I can’t stop. I have five up now, two are live and three are in review. I’m getting closer to retirement and need to think about gaining passive income. I don’t know how well journals sell, but if I can get more up the better the odds. There are a ton of them, so I am just adding to an already saturated market, but I don’t care. As long as I feel creative, I will keep it up. Now I just need to finish that novel and publish that. All in good time…

I also bought recording equipment for a home studio for a fledgling YouTube channel, and I want to go to the beach and video the ocean with relaxing wave sounds. It’s the classic throw stuff at the wall and see what sticks. I was thinking of going to a freeway overpass and record the traffic sights and sounds. I don’t know. When I lived in Laguna Beach my apartment was right on Coast Highway. I kept my windows open 24/7 and could hear the cars rushing by. It was super relaxing, and I slept really well. The only bad thing about keeping my windows open all the time was that a multitude of critters would come in and reside with me. My windows had no screens, so I was asking for it. The mosquito eaters were huge and flitted around almost constantly. No mosquitos though, so there was an up-side. When it was time for me to move, I saw that the space between my headboard and the wall was a Daddy Longlegs haven. My headboard was nearly six feet tall, so there was a huge area for them to nest. Thinking about it now creeps me out.

The bottom line for me right now is that I would just love to sleep. I really want to retire, but it isn’t time. Work has gotten to be more of a nuisance. They dumped a whole second job on me and it doesn’t play to my strengths. I am left-brained. Creative. I am a word processor, so I take the documents other people have written and put them into templates and format a print ready document. The second job is more administrative. So right-brained tasks. I constantly feel like I am making mistakes and can’t get comfortable with it. It feels like they are making me write with my left hand. It’s unnatural and makes me uncomfortable. I used to be really happy with my job, and totally loved what I did. Now not so much. They keep telling me that I will get better at it, but it just makes no sense half the time.

So, I can’t sleep. I’ll just keep designing journals for Amazon in the middle of the night, I guess. Maybe if I can design 100 I’ll make some cash, but who knows. As it stands now, I’m addicted.



Ammi Greyling

What is normal? Growing up in a abusive household, enduring endless mental and physical abuse seems to be the norm for a lot of people.